Hospitality Daily - Defining Hospitality - Episode #102

On this episode of Defining Hospitality we’re shining a spotlight on the work of a previous guest and fellow hospitality podcaster. Josiah Mackenzie is the publisher of Hotel Operations, and the host and writer of the Hospitality Daily podcast and blog. We’re excited to share this compilation episode with recent interviews from Josiah’s podcast. The guests featured today are CEO & President of Four Sisters Inns Tamara Mims, General Manager at the Enso for Kimpton Hotels Marlon Smith, Founder of The June Britt Morgan-Saks, and VP of Strategic Growth at eBerry by Nordic Choice Hotels Christian Lundén. We hope you enjoy. 

Tamara Mims: “Don't nickel and dime your guests.”

Marlon Smith: “We are ambassadors.”

Britt Morgan-Saks: “Lessons for hospitality from NYC nightlife.”

Christian Lundén: “How we are providing hospitality outside the walls of our hotels.”

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Creators and Guests

Dan Ryan
Dan Ryan
Host of Defining Hospitality
Hospitality Daily - Defining Hospitality - Episode #102
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