Being a Mentor - Jim Looney - Episode # 056

Jim Looney is the Owner and Founder of Looney & Associates. With over 35 years of experience in the hospitality industry, he’s an industry leader and a mentor to many. His passion for hospitality is obvious in how he carries a tradition of integrity, quality and service in all of his projects. Jim joins host Dan Ryan to talk about his journey though #hospitality and what it all means to him.

  • You want to make sure that you are always meeting your deliverables and that you are keeping the clients and your employees happy.
  • Gaining the trust of a client is a big responsibility. It is your responsibility to make sure that trust is rewarded.
  • Hospitality is making others feel comfortable in your presence. You want others to feel comfortable around you.
  • Travel is something that can inspire people and help them come up with new and innovative ideas.
  • It’s important to sit back and take time to yourself occasionally and disconnect from all the technology around you.
  • The pandemic allowed people to explore hospitality and the world around them in a different lens.
  • A design has to feel immediately comfortable. You want guests to feel welcomed by the design and enjoy being where they are.

Quote of the Show:
11:01 “Hospitality to me is making people feel comfortable in your presence.”

Shout Outs:
4:36 Michael Bedner
4:41 Lenny Parker
4:51 Trish Wilson
12:38 Dallas Independent School District
22:12 Museum of Modern Art
23:52 Marriott Wailea
24:39 John Stobbe
34:28 James Dunlop
29:24 Jim Romelspa
43:40 The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand
43:43 Ayn Rand

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Being a Mentor - Jim Looney - Episode # 056
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